My work as a chemist has always included investigating and analyzing ingredients, processes used, solvents, pesticides, preservatives and other chemical compounds and their effect on human health and the environment, and providing guidance to the food industry, materials science, and consumers.

Understanding what I understand about human physiology and bioaccumulation of chemical compounds, I have a moral imperative to share my educated insights and continue to provide guidance. It is of great concern to me to see what is happening in the world of fragrance chemistry. A loss of truth-in-advertising, very little regulation and secrecy on ingredients, lack of research and testing and no official reporting of adverse effects, is astonishing and we should be very cautious at the very least. One of the most alarming things we are witnessing is a rise in people developing multiple chemical sensitivities, asthma, COPD, lymphoma, and other blood cancers. This dangerous trend may continue because of what we are inhaling, drinking, eating, applying to our skin and needling into our skin in the form of tattoos…but especially inhaling. Anything we inhale enters directly into our blood stream from the lungs. Because of my training and experience my work must include investigating false ‘lilac essential oil’ claims. I believe it is in all of our best interests, to reveal the truth when we find it. The truth in this case is much of the ‘lilac essential oil’ on the market is a fraud, we don’t know how it was made or what’s in it and it may contain ingredients we know to be harmful to human health.
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